It deals with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the heart eg. Valvular Heart Disease, Congenital Heart Defects, Coronary Artery Disease, Heart Failure, etc.
Services Available at PHC:
1. Consultation
2. ECG
3. TMT
4. 2D ECHO
DepartmentPulmonologyPain Management & AnaesthesiologyEndocrinologyHematology, Oncology And OncosurgeryRheumatology & ImmunologyNephrology & UrosurgeryGastroenterology & GastrosurgeryOrthopedic & TraumaCardiologyENT(Ear, Nose, Throat)Neurology & NeurosurgeryCosmetology And Plastic SurgeryBariatric SurgeryGeneral And Laparoscopic SurgeryToxicologyPathologyPhysiotherapyPsychiatry